Monday, February 27, 2012

Spring fever

Maybe it is because the lack of winter we are having, but spring fever has started. This weekend I had a hard time keeping myself on track and motivated. I am excited for my daughters traveling soccer to start, even though when it comes, the driving will drive me crazy. I am excited to go on long bike rides with my son, who learned how to ride a bike last year. I am excited to go for walks with my wife where she is not freezing cold the whole way and complaining about Minnesota's longest season. We bought a new house about a year and a half ago, and have not had time to build our garden. We have been doing a potted garden, which the veggies do not turn out as good. I am more then ready to not have to wear a jacket to tend to the grill or my smoker. We have two kids and three dogs, so at this point in the year we are anxious to get the windows open, and for the dogs to lay around out in the soft green grass. I am ready for mother nature to awaken the trees, the flowers, all the animals and bugs that have down for the long rest. I am still not ready for the allergies, however I will take the bad with the good.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Facebook Generation

If my parents had a facebook page, I would surely except an invitation from them. It would be another way of communicating with them. If you asked me this question back when I was in junior high, my answer would be much different. I think if I would have had facebook back then, it would have been trouble! My daughter, who is 13 has a facebook account, and we are her friends, this was part of the deal so she could have one. I feel monitoring her account is very important, just as monitoring who she hanging out with or where she is going.
I do notice that kids who have grown up with facebook, and text messaging have a hard time with caring on conversation face to face. When my daughter has a friend over they spend half the time facebooking or text messaging. Now while I find this to be rude, their generation finds this acceptable, almost mandatory. I often think I was lucky to not have this growing up, although it would have been easier to find the keggers on Friday and Saturday nights, it would not had been as challenging and you were forced to actually seek out information and talk to new people.
Technology is great, my wife and I share a facebook account, which is rarely used. It is nice to see what are old friends are up to, and pictures of their families. Facebook does play a part in my life, it just does not control it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Super Bowl Saturday

I enjoy the Super Bowl game for one reason, it is the only game of the year that my family sits down and watches together. I have often thought that having a game of this magnitude on a Sunday is kind of silly. Why wouldn't they have it on a Saturday. I think more people would travel, more business at the local taverns, more food sold at restaurants, just plain more money to be made. Not to mention the whole not feeling all that great at work on the following Monday; if they had it on Saturday, people would have a day to recover, so they would be more productive starting out the week. Although I do recognize that it would be taking business away from establishments on the Sunday, I think more people would be out and about Saturday to more than make up for it.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Favorite quote (week 3)

"What Descartes did was a good step. You have added much several ways, and especially in taking the colours of thin plates into philosophical consideration. If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."  Quoted by Issac Newton 1676
The part that stands out to me the most is "If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."  I have always been a leader, and have always looked at every person around me as a giant who has made me a leader.  You can not win a war with just a captain.
It was just this past year that this quote has been inbeded in to my way of life.  My best friend Justin, wife (Karen) was diagnosed with a rare cancer.  They had a 1 year old son, when they found out.  It came as a shock, because she is a very healthy woman.  What I saw them go through, mentally, physically, and financially is enough to bring anyone down to rock bottom.  I watched day by day, week by week, month by month, as their strength as a family grew to beat this cancer.  They taught me who I want to be as a husband, a father, and a friend. "If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."

As for Karen, she kicked the cancers Butt!!!